1 .檸檬片你泡對了嗎?再忙也要看,然後告訴別人,把愛傳出去!自己也要重視!!將檸檬切片放入密閉的容器中,放入蜂蜜,加入涼水使得淹沒檸檬片,蓋好容器,放入冰箱。轉天拿出兩片泡水即可~這樣可以把檸檬中豐富的VC激發出來~1個檸檬能喝1個星期左右。常喝能減少黑斑、雀斑發生的機率,讓肌膚美白水噹當哦!

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接連著兩個禮拜會出差, 媽媽沒法來因為必須回外婆家照顧外公外婆,只好把小屁送回外婆家給媽媽照顧, 還好熙賢不用上課所以小屁也會有伴. 本來慶幸這樣我也許下個週末就不用回去,可以好好玩一下,沒想到我卻放不下心,跟他說再見的時候,看他一點都沒有依依不捨的樣子,自己回去的路上,才發覺心怎麼那麼糾結不舒服,想著想著就開始痛哭! 原來需要好好痛哭才能勇敢面對分開的寂寞是我! 

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We went to Costco again. SP saw a kids tableware set of Toy Story Woody. He wanted them, but I refused to buy it. It just came through my mind that I could take it as a encouragement to persuade him to get rid of diaper. I told him that I could buy him now, but have to wait until he learns to pee in the toilet. Once he can just pee in the toilet, I will give him a piece of tableware. Once he can poo in the toilet, I will give him the whole set.

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