We went to Costco again. SP saw a kids tableware set of Toy Story Woody. He wanted them, but I refused to buy it. It just came through my mind that I could take it as a encouragement to persuade him to get rid of diaper. I told him that I could buy him now, but have to wait until he learns to pee in the toilet. Once he can just pee in the toilet, I will give him a piece of tableware. Once he can poo in the toilet, I will give him the whole set.


After Costco, we went to IKEA since we still had some time. Of course he wanna have some ice cream after checking out, but I wasn’t willing to give him. So I give him a test to get the ice cream if he can without any money and help from me. I would like to see what he would do. Well, he just walked around but he had no idea how to get it. Well, he didn’t want to leave when time was up, and tried to yell and cry. When we got on the car and I was about to take off, he told me he wanna pee. Since he told me, okay I asked to hold and then we went to the toilet. Lucky that there was kids’ size toilet in IKEA. What a excited moment, he really did pee in the toilet. To let him keep this, he pee again before sleeping at the same night! Yahoo!!! Hope he also did a great job in his grandmother’s home. Love you baby! Encouragement is the best way to improve his capability! I know I shouldn’t push him in the other way but wait! Thanks that I have patience to wait him! It’s a good start! Feel like I was the most happiest mom in the world! 


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