接連著兩個禮拜會出差, 媽媽沒法來因為必須回外婆家照顧外公外婆,只好把小屁送回外婆家給媽媽照顧, 還好熙賢不用上課所以小屁也會有伴. 本來慶幸這樣我也許下個週末就不用回去,可以好好玩一下,沒想到我卻放不下心,跟他說再見的時候,看他一點都沒有依依不捨的樣子,自己回去的路上,才發覺心怎麼那麼糾結不舒服,想著想著就開始痛哭! 原來需要好好痛哭才能勇敢面對分開的寂寞是我! 


I thought it would be a good timing to meet G tonight because SP wasn't here but he said he was tired and wanted me to go to his place. I felt it's not okay because I know I won't sleep well at his place and I need to work and foucus tomorrow. I know I'm not that crazy for him. Do I already know the answer? I talked to Lillian yesterday I felt I wanted to share more detail little thing with J. J and me talk, but G and me not that much. I need someone I can talk with! or neither of them....

When I know that's the one, I would do something crazy. I knew that feel...I know it didn't happen to neither of them....well, I was ever crazy to J. once....



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