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Last Sunday was unforgettable experience. I went to mountain climbing~ from 1500m to top 3000m. I waked up at 3AM and took van with friends to the entrance of mountain. We started climbing at 6AM.


I was nervous about this trip because my physical condition was far from perfect. I felt fever often and didn't do much exercise recently. It was supposed to take 10 hrs at least for return. I was not sure whether I could handle it and one more thing we had to wake up that early. I didn't fall in sleep at all and my stomach was painful which happens to me often when I feel nervous. Even so I knew my physical condition was not really well but I really wanted to go. It's kind of challenge and I need it to approve myself that I am strong and fill my emptiness as well. 


Since we started the adventure, my body had been shaking and heart beat couldn't run quicker as ever. I tried my best to catch up my fellows' speed. After one hour, I gave up. I told my friend, you go first I follow my speed and take care myself. So I slowed down my speed and enjoyed the view besides me. It was much better, although I still kept complaining myself why on earth to torture myself.  I stopped whenever I wanted and took pictures wherever I liked. It was such a nice weather, with cool breeze and not much sun. It's foggy but it made layers of mountain like a mysterious Chinese paint. Group by group passed me and always asked me, do you come alone and where are your friends? I was so embarrassed and said I came for a walk not for climbing. Eventually I got my companies, two senior fellows who walked as slow as me. The total length is 8.5km. We decided just to go as far as 6km.


People I met were very generous and always brought too much food or cooked more than they needed. So I was asked to share theirs and I had never felt hungry at all during this trip.



I did spent 10 hours for return; of course I didn't reach to highest point. But they said I was good enough for the first time to climb the very advanced path. I was proud of myself. I didn't feel exhausted, a little tired maybe. The next day, I felt so great than ever, but I felt really awful in the third morning and it's hard to get up. I felt so sleepy all day. Perhaps the happiness lasted and gave me strength next day, but I was terrible sad last night therefore made me body depressed this morning.



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Cape No.7

This is my first movie I went to cinema by myself and is the most popular Taiwanese movies so far. Cape No. 7 is Taiwan Native produced movie and was token in Kenting , which is the southeast beach and I would like to hold my wedding there. It not only tells about the loving story of a couple from different countries which they couldn’t be together because the Japanese boy wasn’t brave enough to bring Taiwanese girl back to Japan, but also the locals were aware they should be proud of their own traditional culture and pass it on. It also had Taiwanese own sense of humor.

During watching the movie, I kept thinking I would like to send this movie to my foreign friends because I would like to let them know there is something so beauty in Taiwan that I feel proud of. The movie theme, the south of country, is also beautiful. They used Taiwanese traditional instruments to play the music. When the main actor sang to song to the main actress to ask her to stay with him in the south of country or he will go with her, I couldn’t hold my tears anymore… …


The south of country

If sea could speak, if wind love sand

If some memory is forgot in long holiday

I would listen to the spraying wave, let the wind blow through my hair

let the love in memory followed the tide to speak out


Summer is coming after spring goes

I finally understand after I look back


When the sun came back again to the raining south

I tried to continue telling that one-year story

When the sun left again the sunny south

Will you leave your smile instead of the love you ever took away when you say goodbye


Sea is so wide, stars are so bright, but I hold no one,

Sky is so blue, I sang in the lonely night

Please forgive me, my love~ it’s so late to tell you~

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I’m going to leave Arthur’s pass and NZ soon so on my last day off I went to DOC to pick some postcards for myself. I can’t believe, I saw myself on one postcard.


It’s unbelievable. I’m pretty sure that’s me.

There is web-site for these postcard http://postart.co.nz/index.php?page=postcards


The date is 06/07/2008, just after the first biggest snow in Arthur’s pass. It was my day off so I went to Temple Basin to enjoy the snow all around the world. The picture was taken by me on the same day. It’s true!!!


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