目前分類:心情 (31)

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I found after coming back from NZ, every year ended better than the previous one.

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It has been a long time to stay at home totally alone since having SP. I can just do anything I want, listening to music, writing email, reading books, watching TV, or just doing nothing. I left SP with his grandmon yesterday night, and lucky Bill gave a day off since I waked up very early to drive Olivier to airport. That's a great deal. 

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From the previous relationship, I had to learn not to expect too much otherwise I would be always disappointed. Well, for the new one, not sure whether it's the new one or not, of course i expect something, but I'm also afraid to expect too much and I will fall into that disaster.

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I feel weak, becuase I didn't sleep enough. it's so strange I can't fall in sleep quickly at night until very late, but I always wake up around 7 and can't sleep anymore. is it normal? Well, I though we should sleep more. My appetite become worse, which is good thing, otherwise I won't be able to try diet. I don't want to gain too much weight and spoil my figure.

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